There are currently 4.7M people in the UK who have diabetes. Every two minutes, someone is diagnosed and more than half of all cases of Type 2 diabetes could be prevented or delayed.
Obesity is responsible for 80-85% of someone’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. Currently 12.3M people are at risk of Type 2 diabetes in the UK and 3 out of 5 cases can be prevented.
More than 10,000 have end-stage kidney failure due to their diabetes and over 1700 people have their sight affected by diabetes every year. Every week there are 170 amputations; 680 strokes; 530 heart attacks; 2000 cases of heart failure; 500 premature deaths.
Diabetes awareness, management and prevention is vitally important to our health as a nation. People with diabetes spend 3 hours per year with a healthcare professional; the remaining 8,757 hours a year they must manage themselves.
Diabetes needs careful control and dietary management, Rebalance Lifestyle can help put a structure in place for your diet, exercise and other health goals to help you manage your diabetes all year around. Book a consultation session to find out how you can make changes that work for you.